Saturday, 31 October 2009

Fifth Update

It has been too long since i have last updated my blog. In the time since the last update i've managed to accomplish quite a lot:
  • The main part of the chassis including the transmission tunnel is now finished
  • I completely stripped down the engine and i have found that the engine had blown its head gasket, so it will need to be skimmed (i've been told that this will be around £20 to get done)
The engine is going to require a lot of time and effort to get l
ooking spick and span, including:
  • Clean up and paint
  • Replace the big end bearings
  • Fit a complete new gasket set
  • Replace piston rings
  • Get the head skimmed
  • Fit a new oil filter
  • Replace the thermostat
  • As well as other jobs
I reckon that this will cost me around £120 to do potentially up to £150. But i feel that it will be worth it, as if i decide to buy a new engine for £100 (this one was free) then i will still need to replace parts so it will end up costing me more than this engine.

Today i finished the trasmission tunnel and with the help of my Dad, we carried the chassis out of the garage to allow me to give the garage a quick tidy. I've now sorted out which donor parts i'll be taking the scrap man and which ones i'll be keeping. Then gave my bench a brush down and moved some other things around to give me a bit more space to work on the car.

An hour ago i was told that making the chassis plates for the car are quite a simple process, i was originally going to buy them all, which was going to cost £100. But the majority of the chassis plates can be made out of 40mm x 3mm mild steel flat bar, so i'll be ringing up my steel stockist and try and pick some up on monday morning, hopefully it should be in the range of £10 meaning the chassis plates will cost me about £30 in total, a 70% saving, not bad if you ask me.

It is all starting to come together now. I will try and keep this blog updated more regularly. Here are a few pictures which were taken over the past month (i've recently sold my phone, which was my primary camera so it may be a about a week before i can take some more pictures):

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